Fashionable wedding at Quorndon
Loughborough Monitor - 24th September 1868
The pretty village of Quorndon was yesterday (Wednesday, the 23rd inst.) the scene of much gaiety and festivity in consequence of the celebration of the marriage of John Henry Paget Esq, youngest son of the late William Paget, Esq, of Sutton Bonington, Nottinghamshire to Catherine Clara, second daughter of the late Thomas Cradock, Esq of Quorn Court.
From an early hour the village presented an animated appearance as hundreds of persons were to be seen in the locality of the bride's residence; and no wonder, as the oldest inhabitant never remembered such an aristocratic wedding as the present one promised to be. In the principal street, from almost every house, flags and banners were flying. Over the front entrance to the bride's residence an archway was erected, having on one side, in gold letters and white background, "Health and prosperity", and on the other "Health and happiness to the bridal pair", which had a very pleasing appearance. Over the doorway was another motto "Welcome home" on blue ground with white letters; the pillars too, being profusely decorated for the occasion. The hall and most of the rooms were also beautifully decorated. All the above were executed in a most credible manner by Mr Weston and Miss Jowett.
From the Bull's Head an archway was erected, formed of flowers and evergreens, bearing on one side the motto "Long life and happiness" and on the other "Happiness" which had a neat appearance. The flag from Mr Rumsby's house was a very beautiful one, in fact the best we noticed. A little lower down, from Mr Swain's house, was erected another archway, with the following motto and initials, executed in gold and blue letters on a crimson ground "CC - May they be happy - JP" which looked remarkably well.
From Mr Darker's the White Horse, was another excellent triumphal arch, extending to Mr North's tastefully trimmed with flowers and evergreens.
The bridal party proceeded to church in six carriages at half-past 11 o'clock, by which time the sacred edifice was tolerably well filled with the inhabitants of the village; and we also noticed most of the gentry whose names appear below as present at the breakfast. Numbers also had come from Loughborough, Barrow, Mountsorrel &c to witness the pleasing ceremony.
The lovely bride entered the sacred edifice leaning on the arm of her esteemed brother who gave her away in marriage. The service was most impressively performed by the Rev Chas Way of Boreham Vicarage, Essex and the Rev. Robert Stammers, Incumbent of Quorndon.
The bride's dress, which was rich in the extreme, consisted of white satin, with Honiton lace veil, wreath of jasmine, myrtle, and orange blossoms. She also carried a splendid bouquet of white exotics. The bridesmaid, six in number, were Miss Cradock, Miss E. A Cradock, Miss A. F. Way, Miss E. F Hawkes, Miss Sugden and Miss Paget. They were beautifully dress in white tarlatan, trimmed with cerise satin ribbon, pearl beads, wreaths of geraniums and tulle veils. Each of them also carried a handsome bouquet.
On the bride and bridegroom leaving the church, a very pleasing sight was witnessed, namely, three little girls, dressed in white, on each side of the doorway, having in their hands a basket of flowers, which they strewed along the path as they passed to their carriage. During the day the church bells rang merry peals in honour of the interesting event.
Upon the return of the bridal party to Quorn Court, a most sumptuous and elegant Wedding Breakfast awaited them. The table was literally laden with a profusion of the choicest delicacies, and adorned with the rarest flowers and tempting luscious grapes. Amongst the company who sat down to the repast were Mrs Cradock, Miss S Grover, Miss H Grover, Mr C E Grover, Rev C and Mrs Way, Mr G Hawkes, Mrs Paget, Mr W B Paget, Mr W E White, Mr and Mrs William Perry Herrick, Mr and Mrs E C Middleton, Mrs F R Cradock, Miss M A Cradock, Mrs E Cradock, Miss M C Cradock, Mr and Mrs E Warner, Mrs and Mrs Farnham, Mr A O Worthington, Mr H Woodward, Rev W H Allen, Mr F H Paget, Mrs Paget, Rev R and Mrs Stammers, Mr H Warner etc etc
The arrangement of the repast was entrusted to Messrs Weston, Lord, and Hickman, and we must say they showed their skill and taste in the discharge of their duties.
The bride's presents, which were very numerous, upwards of 70 in number, and of a most costly description, were laid out on tables in one of the drawing rooms and were much admired by all who saw them. The happy pair left Quorndon Court, amidst hearty good wishes, and a shower of old slippers, a little after three o'clock, and proceeded by express train to London, en route for the Isle of Wight, to spend the honeymoon.
A ball at night brought the festivities to a close. We believe we express the sentiments of all when we say, in terms so well known,
"We wish them much happiness"
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2009-07-23 |
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Kathryn Paterson |
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392 |
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