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Friday 14th March 2025  

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George and Emma Cummins, died March 1898 – Grave Memorial

George and Emma Cummins died on the 11th and 12th March 1898 of TB, leaving behind eleven children. Their full story including what happened to the children, appeared in The Quorndon magazine in Autumn 2011 and is on the museum website as Artefact 1478.

In 2011 no trace of George and Emma’s grave memorial could be found in St Bartholomew's Churchyard. It had been recorded in 1981 as a ‘metal cross’, but all that remained appeared to be a short stump of what had once been the stem. Sue Templeman, who had worked on the research with Andrew Cummins, a great grandson of George and Emma, scoured the Churchyard, but nothing appeared.

Fast forward to June 2019 and Sue was walking to the Church to deliver a talk to Quorn Local History Group about the local workhouse – a talk which included part of the Cummins family story. She glanced to her left, and suddenly saw the top half of George and Emma's memorial. It was in a completely different area to where it had previously been recorded and had been hidden by grass and plants. A vigorous scalping and weedkilling operation by the local council the week before had caused the broken cross to be revealed.

The Cummins family were delighted that the memorial had been found and paid for it to be welded back together. Tony Coates from the Church very kindly painted the cross and restored it to its 1981 position.

The restored memorial, located to the left of the Wedding Path as you approach the Church, will ensure that George, Emma and their family are not forgotten in Quorn.

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 Submitted on: 2019-09-14
 Submitted by: Sue Templeman
 Artefact ID: 2233
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=2233
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page or just on its own (new browser tab).

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