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Thursday 13th March 2025  

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Remembrance Sunday in the Early 1970s

This photograph was taken on Remembrance Sunday in the Memorial Gardens in the early 1970s.

The gentleman with the white hair and medal ribbons is the Baptist minister, Pastor Cooper. Next to him (behind the bugler) is the Reverend Robin Everett.

The gentleman on the right, wearing a fine number of medals is Arthur Wheldon. He was a staunch member of the British Legion and fought to stop the traffic on Remembrance Sundays for the 2 minutes silence, when the A6 was the main road and extremely busy. His photograph was recognised by his daughter Ann Brown nee Wheldon.

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Please email us at: team2025@quornmuseum.com
 Submitted on: 2011-11-24
 Submitted by: Richard Thompson, additional information from Ann Brown
 Artefact ID: 1445
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1445
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