Quorn historical image   Quorn Village On-line Museum   Quorn historical image

Thursday 12th September 2024  

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 Rawlins Grammar School, Quorn, Christmas 1947  Rawlins Grammar School, Quorn, Christmas 1947
This photograph shows pupils, teachers and a few visitors enjoying a Punch and Judy show ...... cont.
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 An unknown event, on an unknown date, probably on Stafford Orchard  An unknown event, on an unknown date, probably on Stafford Orchard
So who are this happy group? They seem to be mainly men dressed as women! What was ...... cont.
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 Miss Judy Dormon - Carnival Queen.  1945  Miss Judy Dormon - Carnival Queen. 1945
Loughborough Echo - 22nd June 1945 A dance was given in the Village Hall, lent by ...... cont.
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 Quorn Amateur Dramatic Society’s fine start - 1950  Quorn Amateur Dramatic Society’s fine start - 1950
Loughborough Monitor - 9th February 1950 The newly-formed Quorn Amateur Dramatic ...... cont.
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 2nd Quorn Scouts summer camp, 1952  2nd Quorn Scouts summer camp, 1952
These photographs were taken during a kit inspection at 2nd Quorn Scouts summer camp, in ...... cont.
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 Wright's Christmas Party - 1972  Wright's Christmas Party - 1972
29th December 1972 – Loughborough Echo M Wright and Sons of Quorn held their annual ...... cont.
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 Opening of the new Methodist Wesleyan Chapel, Quorn  Opening of the new Methodist Wesleyan Chapel, Quorn
These photographs were taken by William Shuttlewood, a Quorn photographer and chemist, at ...... cont.
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 Rawlins Spring Concert - 1966  Rawlins Spring Concert - 1966
Loughborough Echo - 13th May 1966 The school hall was packed with an appreciative ...... cont.
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 Old People's Meat Tea - 1896  Old People's Meat Tea - 1896
Loughborough Herald - 16th January 1896 On Tuesday evening upwards of 110 old people ...... cont.
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 Parcels Fund concert - 1939  Parcels Fund concert - 1939
Loughborough Echo - 1st December 1939 The Village Hall was well filled on Wednesday ...... cont.
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Total: 301 artefacts returned over 31 pages

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