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Thursday 3rd October 2024  

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Quorn Deaths and Inquests

 Sqd.-Ldr. Leonard Wright reported missing -  Former ADC to British  Embassy in Egypt  Sqd.-Ldr. Leonard Wright reported missing - Former ADC to British Embassy in Egypt
Loughborough Echo 16th April, 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Woodhouse Road, Quorn, have ...... cont.
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 Funeral of Quorn signalman  Funeral of Quorn signalman
Loughborough Echo 12th October 1945 Mr. Herbert S. Wardle, who died at 27 Farnham ...... cont.
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 Sqd.-Ldr L. Wright believed killed - Well known local flying officer  Sqd.-Ldr L. Wright believed killed - Well known local flying officer
Loughborough Echo 14th May 1943 After being reported missing after an operational ...... cont.
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 Quorn soldier killed - 1944  Quorn soldier killed - 1944
Loughborough Herald - 17th November 1944 Mrs Mary Halford, of Church Path, Quorn, has ...... cont.
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 Death of Mr Solomon Darker - 1916  Death of Mr Solomon Darker - 1916
Loughborough Monitor - 9th November 1916 Mr Solomon Darker The funeral took place on ...... cont.
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 Sudden death at Quorn - 1874  Sudden death at Quorn - 1874
Loughborough Advertiser - July 30th 1874 On Thursday last, Mr Coroner Deane held an ...... cont.
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 Death of Mr W S Swinfield of Quorn - 1968  Death of Mr W S Swinfield of Quorn - 1968
Loughborough Echo - 29th November 1968 The death occurred last week of Mr William ...... cont.
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 Death of Mr Joseph Camm, of Quorn - 1896  Death of Mr Joseph Camm, of Quorn - 1896
Loughborough Herald - 3rd December 1896 On Monday evening, at the advanced age of 86 ...... cont.
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 Composer dies at Hastings House - 1963  Composer dies at Hastings House - 1963
Loughborough Monitor - 25th January 1963 One of the Loughborough area's best-known ...... cont.
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 Fanny Egan inquest - 1899  Fanny Egan inquest - 1899
Loughborough Herald - 2nd March 1899 An inquest was held at the Apple Tree Inn, ...... cont.
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Total: 167 artefacts returned over 17 pages

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