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St. Bartholomew's Church - Interior Plaques and Memorials

The plaques etc are located working around the church working clockwise from the main door. The leaflet (under 'Features and Articles' on this site), provides a numbered plan. Click here to view

Brass plaque - "In memory of Mrs Emily Elizabeth Holmes, 22nd October 1892 to 8th November 1994. "A lifetime of Selfless Devotion"

Brass plaque - "In memory of Sam and Mary Jane Gibbs and their daughter and son in law Barbara and Noel Whitlock"

List of Curates from 1515 to 1868. Prior to 1868, Quorn came under the mother Church of Barrow. However in 1868 it became an ecclesiastical parish in its own right.

List of Vicars from 1868. Both of these documents were designed and inscribed by Rosemary Boaler.

Brass plaque - "In loving memory of Harold Frank Westley 1905-1993. Faithful servant to this church for 60 years, church councillor, Sunday School superintendent, sidesman, church warden, steeple keeper and verger. Life's work well done. Annie Elizabeth Westley 1905-1994. Member of this church all her life. Infants Sunday school teacher superintendent for 40 years. Always together."

Stained glass window - All other stained glass windows in the church are Victorian, however this one dates from 1981. Along the bottom it says: "To the glory of God and in loving gratitude for the lives of James and Bella Dannah and their example of Christian charity."

Stained glass window - along the bottom it says: "In memory of Sarah wife of Robert Stammers MA vicar of this parish born 27 Dec 1799 died 11 Nov 1874" Robert Stammers was the vicar in Quorn for 56 years from 1832 to 1888. He married Sarah Dalton in 1828 in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. They had at least six children - Robert, Mary Ann, Edward, Mary, Joseph and Rowland. Sarah died in Quorn in 1874 aged 75 years.

War Memorial in the North Aisle - The memorial was erected in 1919 and added to in 1945. It lists all the men of Quorn who died, in chronological order of the date of their deaths. The names are listed in 'The Wars' section of the website.

Brass plaque - "To the glory of God and in memory of Thomas Firr. For 27 years Huntsman to the Quorn Hounds who died December 16th 1902. Aged 62 years. This tablet was placed here by his widow." Tom Firr was Huntsman to the Quorn Hunt from 1871 to 1899 and was nationally renowned in the hunting world. Many authorities consider him to have been the greatest huntsman of all time. He lived in Charnwood House on Leicester Road with his wife Mary and their nine children. Charnwood House is now part of the Quorn Country Hotel, but is still easily identifiable as a white, rendered, double fronted house. Sadly Tom had a serious fall on 31st December 1898, where he fractured his skull. He never fully recovered and died in 1902.

Stained glass window - Courage/Victory. Along the bottom it says: "To the glory of God and in proud and loving memory of Charles Kirbell White, Frank Cuthbert White, Daniel Moore, William Moore and Hubert Mason Moore who together with many comrades from this village fell in the Great War. This window is erected by their parents George White and Mary Ann his wife and William Moore and Ann Mary his wife." These two families must have been devastated to lose five sons between them. The Moores moved to Quorn from Nottingham in about 1891 and had seven children. Daniel and William were both killed on 13th May 1915. Their youngest son Hubert, was killed just two months before the war ended.

Stained glass window - along the bottom of the first two panes it says: "Thanking God for the dear memory of husband and son Henry Edward Hole died 17th September 1894." Third pane - "Hubert Northcote Hole died 10th July 1907" The Hole family lived at Quorn Lodge which was situated on the A6, beyond One Ash, just before the (old) left turn to Woodthorpe. It was demolished in 1938. Henry Edward Hole was only 52 when he died in 1894, but on a previous census return he had been declared as 'paralysed'. Henry and his wife Mary had two children, Charles and Hubert. Hubert died in 1907 aged 27. 18 years earlier in 1889, Hubert had been one of the four young children who had laid foundation stones for the brand new Village Hall on Leicester road.

Plaque - "This altar and reredos [altar screen] is given in loving memory of Dorothy Deeming of One Ash, Quorn by her family 1954." The Deeming family lived at 'One Ash' on the main A6 and owned cinemas and theatres. Dorothy was the wife of Charles Knight Deeming who was born in 1890 and died in 1978.

Wooden plaque - Thomas Herbert. "A faithful clerk, 1887 to 1923."

The Pulpit was a gift in memory of Mrs Nancy Topping, dedicated in 1959 and designed by Mr Albert Herbert FRIBA. It is carved out of oak although the stone base is older.

White plaque - "In memory of Thomas Cradock Esq. who died Sep 7th 1865 aged 65 years. He was a loving husband, an affectionate father and a faithful friend. Called to his rest too soon for those who are left to mourn their sad loss. God's will be done."

Brass plaque - "In affectionate memory of Mary Octavia Cradock who died October 5th 1887 aged 73 years. Her end was peace"

Brass plaque - "In affectionate memory of John Davys Cradock who died September 5th 1921 aged 76 years."

Stone plaque - "Remember before God the souls of Charles Henry Nurse and Mary his wife in whose name the rood screen was dedicated AD1950"

Metal plaque - "To the glory of God and in memory of Edward Warner and Mary Anne his wife (daughter of the Revd J W Boyer incumbent of this parish from the year 1799 to 1832). This organ chamber was erected by their son E H Warner in the 60th year of Queen Victoria's reign AD 1897"

Brass plaque - "To the glory of God and in memory of Thomas Brooks. These chancel stalls were erected by his daughter Jessie N Warner in the coronation year of King Edward VII AD1902"

Stone plaque - "To the memory of Richard Burgess gent and Mary his wife the latter of whom departed this life on the 12th of February 1734-35 in the 33rd year of her age. Also in the memory of their three sons. James who died on the 14th of May 1737 aged 12 years. Francis who died on the 26th of June 1754 aged 25 years. Adam who died on the 17th of July 1757 aged 25 years. The remains of all excepting Francis are interred in one vault on the South side of this church. This monument was erected as a testimony of regard by Sarah Oldershaw Palmer of Loughborough. Anno Domini 1813"

Marble and stone Plaque - "Near this place is interred the body of Mrs Sarah Hyde relict [widow] of Savile Hyde late of Sundridge Place in Kent, Esq. (and sister to Mrs Hannah Stevens of this town). She died 22nd February 1751 aged 45."

Stained glass window - along the bottom it says: "In memory of Joseph and Sarah Stammers, father & mother of the vicar of this Parish" This window was in memory of the parents of Robert Stammers who was vicar of Quorn for 56 years from 1832 to 1888.

Stained glass window - along the bottom it says: "In the dear memory of Charlotte Elizabeth Grey daughter of Edward and Marianne Warner of Quorndon Hall born September 1851 died 5th March 1862" The Warner family lived in Quorn at Quorn Hall from 1855 to 1928 and were influential both within the village and the hunt. They gave the marble altar and reredos (altar screen) in 1887 and the choir stalls in 1902.

Cream stone plaque - "In a vault beneath are deposited the remains of John Hyde late of this place Esq. (only son of Saville Hyde formerly of Sundridge Place in the County of Kent Esq. by Sarah his wife). He departed this life the 8th day of January 1789 in the 30th year of his age. Also of Mary, late wife of the above John Hyde Esq. She died September the 3rd 1787 in the 32nd year of her age. And of Ann their daughter who died the 14th day of September 1787 aged 19 years"

Cream stone plaque - "This tablet is erected to the memory of George Hyde (fifth son of John and Mary Hyde of Quorndon in the County of Leicester), A Lieutenant in the honourable East India Company's service. He was born at Quorndon on the 25th day of September 1766 and died at Monghyr in the East Indies on the 10th day of November 1827 aged 61 years. By his last will he bequeathed to the poor distressed people at Quorndon the interest of one thousand pounds. Which said sum of one thousand pounds was ordered by the Court of Chancery to be invested in the 3 per cents consolidated annuities in the name of the Accountant General. Erected by the trustees MDCCCXLI [1841]"

Cream stone plaque - "In a vault beneath lie the remains of Saville John Hyde Esq who died the 4th of April 1830 aged 74 years. Also Susannah Abigail wife of the above who died March 23rd 1849 aged 76 years and interred in the family vault belonging to her son Charles James Hyde at the cemetery at Highgate Middlesex. Bernard Strode Hyde died the 7th of Jan 1814 aged 14 years. Thomas and Edward died infants." The Hydes were a wealthy family who lived in a large house on Meeting Street, situated between the old forge and the lodge to Quorn House. They lived in Quorn from about 1758 to 1842. When the family left, they sold the house to Edward Basil Farnham, who immediately had it pulled down.

Metal plaque - "To the glory of God and in loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Parker. The electric installation in this Church was given by her husband Christopher Theophilus Parker and her son Charles Harold Hole. August 1929"

Brass plaque - On the end of the vicar's seat. "To the glory of God and in memory of Henry Hunn Rumsey vicar of this parish 1909 - 1940. The sacred vessels in use in this Church are dedicated." Henry Rumsey was a much loved vicar. He married Lillian Riley in 1911 and they had six children. Sadly Lilian died when their youngest child was only six months old. Lilian's grave can be seen right next to the door of the bell tower. Henry wanted her buried there so that he could pass by and say hello to her every day.

Brass plaque on hymn number board - "In memory of Robert Bishop 1926 - 1985"

Brass plaque - "To the glory of God this chancel screen was erected by Oliver S Brown in memory of his late wife Ellen and was dedicated February 2nd 1913" The rood screen was given in 1913 in memory of Mrs Ellen Brown by her husband Oliver and son Harry. Although not born in Quorn they had lived here for over 30 years at 'Woodview' on Leicester Road, which is now number 84. The rood screen figures were given in 1950 by Donald Nurse in memory of his parents Henry and May Nurse. In 1965 the figures were damaged by a major fire in the church, but reproduced to the original design.

The organ first made an appearance in Quorn church in 1887, presented by Mr WEB Farnham in celebration of Queen Victoria's jubilee. For a short time before the organ, music had been provided by a harmonium, but prior to this musicians had played in a small gallery above the tower arch.

Brass Eagle Lectern - This impressive lectern was given in 1887 by the Reverend Robert Stammers in memory of his sister Susannah Ainslie who died in 1884 aged 82. They had both been married, but lived together in their old age when they had both been widowed. The Reverend Stammers was the vicar of Quorn for 56 years from 1832 to 1888.

Brass plaque - "In memory of John Wm Davis of Quorn, trooper 7th Leicestershire Yeomanry who was killed in action in South Africa Feb 5th 1901 aged 27 years. Erected by his friends in Quorn" This plaque is headed 'Prince Albert's Own' which was a recognised name for the 'Leicestershire Yeomanry'. The Davis family had a plumbing and glazing business on High Street until shortly after John's father died in 1888 aged 49. His parents are both buried in the churchyard.

Brass plaque - "Norman Sydney Walter 1916 - 1994. Principal Trinity College Kandy Sri Lanka 1952 - 1957 Headmaster Loughborough Grammar School 1952 - 1973, Loving and caring husband, father, teacher and friend. A devoted and dynamic Christian"

Brass plaque on the end of the pews - "The pew seating in this church was given in loving memory of Alfred Charles Morrison CEng., F.I. Mech.E., M.I.A.E., M.S.A.E. 26th February 1902-19th July 1971 by his wife Mary Rotha Morrison July 1972"

Brass plaque on the end of the pews - "Mary Rotha Morrison Benefactress 1908 - 1987"

 Submitted on: 2010-10-19
 Submitted by: Sue Templeman
 Artefact ID: 928
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=928

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