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Parish Council

Loughborough Monitor - 16th May 1969

Quorn Parish Council are becoming increasingly concerned about the constant flooding of meadows which lie between the Craddock estate and the Bull's Head public house. It was stated at this month's council meeting that the problem had become much worse since storm water from a nearby housing development had been discharging into a stream which runs through the land - the meadows were so waterlogged they could no longer be used for grazing cattle, and a nearby garden had recently been flooded. In a letter to the council, the planning authority said that before allowing planning permission for the discharge, the Trent River Board had been consulted, and it had been arranged that the meadows were to act as a reservoir for surface water when the brook was full.
The parish council felt that it was unacceptable that local authorities should give permission for private land to be flooded. Mr D E Baum feared that the problem would be much worse when the estate of over one hundred houses was completed.

In reply to a request that the road between Quorn and Barrow should be raised to alleviate flooding, the county surveyor said that it was very unlikely that this could be attempted because of the very high cost. The river board would require a long length of viaduct to be constructed to allow the flood water to pass. Members felt that the surveyor was dismissing the suggestion without adequate consideration and it was agreed to inform him that they did not accept his reply.

Annoyed by lack of progress in making up unadopted roads, a resident of Cradock Drive wrote inviting members to drive their cars round the estate. She said that nobody was helping them to get the roads adopted. Councillors stated that they were fully aware of the state of the roads and they wished to dispel the idea that they were holding the scheme up in some way. They had made a number of representations to the authorities and understood that the delay was being caused by numerous objections to the adoption scheme by the residents themselves. They considered that the scheme would go ahead as soon as the objection could be resolved or overruled.
The state of the village recreation ground, the Stafford Orchard, was discussed following two complaints that this was a danger to people playing on the field. In reply to one complaint, from a village football club official, the council stated that the field was provided for general recreational purposes and not solely as a football pitch. The council rejected a second complaint that the state of the field made it dangerous for children to play on. Mr A A Gent wondered if they should give consideration to relaying the field but this was generally considered to be beyond the resources of the council.

The members were pleased to hear, in a letter from the County Council, that the county architect, in conjunction with the county librarian, was giving consideration to the possibility of the preservation of the old part of the Dower House and its use as a branch County Library.

 Submitted on: 2010-08-27
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 912
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=912
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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