Quorn UDC - Improving a dangerous corner
Loughborough Monitor and Herald - 3rd September 1925
The monthly meeting of Quorn UDC was held on Tuesday. The chair was taken by Mr T Shenton, JP.; also present: Messrs E C Laundon, J H Johnson, D S Hack, L L Ward, J Orton, J J Stirling, F Draper; also Mr Crawshaw, inspector and Mr White, clerk.
Before commencing the usual business, the Chairman alluded to the death of Mr E H Warner, of Quorn Hall. For many years Mr Warner had been an active and conscientious member of the Council, and in this and other ways had always had the best interests of the village at heart. He asked those present to show their respect by rising, and the Clerk was requested to convey the Council's sympathy to Mrs Warner.
The collector, Mr Jas. Camm, announced that he had paid to the bank the sum of £333 9d 1d, the total amount now being £343 3s balance at the bank.
A letter was read from the Chief Constable announcing that he had made arrangements for PC Cave to be relieved of other duties, so that he could spend more time at the cross roads in the village.
The Medical Officer reported one death (male) and two births, also male, during the past month. There had been one case of pneumonia and one of pulmonary tuberculosis.
The Sanitary Inspector reported the premises had been fumigated after scarlet fever, and that the ashbin work was well in hand; also that the main drain from the sewage farm to the dyke had been cleaned. The water consumption had been 1,731,000 gallons, as against 1,743,000 in the corresponding month of 1924. He announced that the tuberculosis order, 1925 was in force from 1st September, and that all animals destroyed under that order would be compensated for. Mr Johnson said he noticed a distinct improvement in the matter of the ashbins.
After some discussion, it was decided to accept the offer of Messrs. Cox of £30 for rent of the Green for the wake for the next five years beginning 1926, and that the agreement be signed during the ensuing wake. Messrs Cox also agreed to give the proceeds of a Sunday evening concert to the Council to be used at their discretion. The Council decided to divide the sum so provided between the local hospitals and the Quorn war memorial.
The tender of Mr Partridge for putting the street lamps in order was accepted, the estimate being £2 15s
The matter of improving the dangerous corner opposite the Apple Tree Inn was dealt with at some length. The estimated cost would be £110, and the question was deferred for further consideration. Mr Laundon thought improvement should include a footpath from Mr Hack's shop. The improvement is to include a sign "To Barrow", and this to be placed on the wall of the Apple Tree.
Eight persons had applied for the post of part time sanitary inspector, and the letters of three applicants were read, with testimonials. The Clerk was instructed to consult the references and report to the Council.
Mr Laundon thought it was time the offices of Surveyor and Inspector were combined, and the matter was the subject of a long discussion.
Submitted on: |
2010-05-24 |
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Kathryn Paterson |
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798 |
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www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=798 |
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