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Signaller G P Flanders 1916

[Note - the correct name is J P Flanders]
Loughborough Monitor - 2nd November 1916

Official information has been received that Signaller G P Flanders was killed in action on September 25th. Prior to enlisting in the Leicestershire Regiment, he was employed at Messrs Curry and Sons' Cycle Works, Leicester. He enlisted some 18 months age, and had seen a good deal of active service. He was formerly a patrol leader in the Woodhouse Troop of B.P Scouts, and at the Scouts' rally at Birmingham he was successful in winning the 9st championship for Leicestershire in the boxing competition. He was defeated in the final bout for the championship open to all England.

This is the second son Mr and Mrs Flanders have lost in the war. One was drowned in the Tigris on May 18th. 1916. His parents formerly resided at Woodhouse, but are now living at Beaconsfield Cottage, Quorn. A lance-sergeant in the deceased's regiment, writing to the bereaved parents, says: "Jack has been a personal friend of mine for two years, and was respected and liked by everyone with whom he came into contact. No matter how great the hardships, he was always cheery and looked on the bright side of things. I sincerely trust that you will be able to derive some consolation from the fact that he died nobly fighting for his King and country".

One of the officers writes: - "He went over with his company, and was doing good work when he was hit by a shell and instantly killed. He was with me since I landed, and was always cheerful and willing, and good at his work. All my boys join with me in tendering our sincere sympathy."

Mr C Goodacre, Chief Commissioner of the B. P Scouts for Leicestershire, and also Mr Smith-Carington, send letter of condolence to Mr and Mrs Flanders.

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 Submitted on: 2009-12-06
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 672
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=672
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page or just on its own (new browser tab).

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