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Quorn War Weapons Week

Loughborough Echo - 30th May 1941

A fine turn-out.

War Weapons Week in the Barrow-on-Soar Rural District Council area is going on apace. Quorn began operations on Saturday, when a programme doing justice to the secretary, Mr W Jacques, MA., was well carried out. The Stafford Orchard was filled with Home Guard, under Major Peshall; British Legion colour party (Messrs E Sharpe, J Caunt, and W Mee); A.F.S Mechanised, led by E Tomlyn; A.R.P Wardens, Fire-watchers; First-aid Ambulances; Parish Council, Guides and Brownies with colours, W.V.S, nurses, First-aid point, Savings Group leaders, selling centre leaders, War Weapons Week Committee, Land Army.

Major Woolmer was marshal, with Mr Frank Bunney as deputy marshal. The A.T.S drum and bugle band led the procession. Lieut.-Col, Sir Robert Martin, C.M.G., inspected the various bodies and addressed the gathering. He congratulated Quorn on the public spirit it was showing by its admirable turn-out. Today was the first day of the Barrow R.D.C Week and Quorn was evidently determined to take a worthy part in it, and he did not think that a quarter of a million, the sum aimed at for 30 villages, was too much.

Mr F Draper, CC., proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker, seconded by Mr L Morley, treasurer of the Week.

The Rev W E Pilling then offered prayer and gave the blessing, and the National Anthem was sung, after which Sir Robert proceeded informally to the shop in High Street, which he opened and wherein he bought the first certificate.

It is interesting to remember that although the day was inseparably connected with War Weapons Week, it was also Empire Day. Also to see that the sergeant in charge of the A.T.S contingent was Mr Alan Dunham, who, only a few years ago lived in Quorn and was a choir boy at the Parish Church. The arrangements were all excellently carried out.

War Weapons Week was helped in Quorn by the efforts of two Grammar School boys, Paul and Tony Pritchard, who collected in a competition 18/-. This money was handed to the local secretary, Mr W Jacques. First prize, Mrs Orchard, Elms Drive; 2nd, Mrs Hope, Spinney Drive.

 Submitted on: 2009-11-03
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 558
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=558
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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