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Quorn Man's Strange Conduct

Loughborough Herald - 26th January 1905.

Ernest Facer, labourer, Quorn, was summoned for stealing three-pennyworth of coal, from the White Horse at Quorn, the property of Mrs Marston, and also with wilful damage, to the extent of 2s. Mr R S Clifford, junr., appeared for the prosecution.

PC Smith stated that, in consequence of seeing a light in the room of an unoccupied house, belonging to Messrs Offiler's Brewery Co., he tried the doors, and finding them locked, burst into the house. In the front bedroom he found the defendant sitting in front of a big fire. In reply to his question as to what he was doing there, he said he did not know. He said he found the coal in the house, but on witness telling him he would not find it in an empty house, he said he took it from the coal-house of the White Horse Inn the previous evening.

Arthur Locke, an ex-inspector of the Derbyshire Constabulary, and manager at the White Horse, stated that defendant admitted the theft in his presence. Mr Clifford stated that the wilful damage was caused by the defendant pulling down a shelf to make a fire. Defendant admitted the offences, and said he was in drink at the time. Inspector Kirchin said the defendant had been out of work for some time, and had been sleeping out.

The Chairman said it was a shame to see an able-bodied fellow like him in the position he was. He appeared to be shacking fellow, working one day and drinking the next, but as that was the first time he had been before the Court, the Bench would be lenient with him. He would be fined 10s, or seven days, for each offence - 14 days altogether.

 Submitted on: 2009-09-06
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 537
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=537
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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