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Urban District Council - medical report, the health of the village

Loughborough Herald - 8th February 1900

The monthly meeting of this Council was held at the Village Hall, on Tuesday evening. Present: Mr J D Cradock (chairman), Messrs James Bolesworth, T Chapman, D S Hack, T Pepper, J R Robinson, and R Thompson.

The Medical Officer (Dr Skipworth) attended, and read his 17th annual report, which stated: The population of the district is estimated at 2,000 persons. Deaths for the year ending December 31st, 1899, 43 - 25 females, 18 males, which gives a death rate of 21.5 per 1,000 persons against 13 in 1898. Two persons died over 80 years of age, and one over 90. Seven persons died from injuries, and eight inquests were held by the coroner. This is a remarkable number for so small a place, as an inquest was held on nearly every fifth person who died.

The average death-rate for the last five years is 16-8 per 1,000. 68 births were registered, giving birth rate of 34 per 1,000, as against 27 in 1898. The average birth-rate for the last five years is 31.7. The birth-rate for the county last year was 29.9.

No person has died during the year from smallpox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, puerperal fever, erysipelas, measles, or phthisis. Bronchitis and pneumonia caused the death of seven persons, four of these being very young children. Zymotic disease caused seven deaths, six being children under five years of age. The zymotic death rate is 3.5, half of what it was last year; diphtheria two, membraneous croup one, diarrhoea 4.

Thirteen cases of infectious diseases were notified during the year, against 23 in the last nine months of 1898 (Act adopted April 1st 1898).

Antitoxin is now supplied by the authority free of charge where required. Plans have been passed for six new houses, and also for two alterations of premises. Twelve deep middens have been abolished, and pan closets substituted. Fifty-three nuisances occurring on premises have been attended to, and abated. Eight nuisances caused by pig-keeping have been abated. Some of the piggeries will have to be abolished, unless the owners pay more attention to the sanitary state of the same. Twenty-five open grates in the streets have been abolished and borough traps substituted. Ventilating shafts have been erected where required.

The scavenging has been carried out in a very satisfactory way during the year. One house unfit for habitation has been pulled down. The housing of the working classes has much improved of late. Many new cottages of a better class have been built during the last seven or eight years.

A surveyor is now engaged in taking levels with a view to a new sewerage scheme when required. The supply of waterworks water has been abundant, and more premises are now using it. Two wells have been closed during the year.

He had made a thorough inspection of the district during the year, accompanied by the sanitary inspector.

The chairman read a letter from Messrs Woolley, Beardsley and Bosworth solicitors to the Loughborough and District Light Railway, enclosing a copy of resolution passed at a public meeting held in the Village Hall on Friday last. The resolution is published elsewhere.

A discussion ensued, and eventually it was resolved to refer the whole matter to a special meeting.

A letter was read from the Manchester office of the Great Central Railway, giving notice of objection to rating of part of the new station, and the clerk was instructed to forward same to Mr Camm, the rate collector.

 Submitted on: 2009-08-04
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 477
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=477
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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