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A Sunday fight in Quorn

Loughborough Monitor - 28th June 1900

Richard Snow, labourer, Quorn, was summoned for assaulting Wm Cliffe, of Barrow, on June 17th. Mr Wilfred Moss defended for Mr Deane.

Complainant said that on Sunday evening he was going by the footpath to Quorn, when a little boy threw a stone, which hit him in the eye. Complainant boxed his ears, and sent him off. The boy ran home, and fetched the defendant, his brother. Defendant asked he had been doing, and complainant told him what had happened. Defendant said he had a good mind to box his ears, and complainant said he did not want to fight on Sunday night on Mr Warner's land, and if defendant wanted to fight he must wait till Monday, and then fight on the road. On that defendant knocked him down, then kicked his hand and trampled on it, breaking one of the bones. He then got on top on complainant and tried to strangle him. He was pulled off by Richard Kelly, and complainant got up, and stood in his own defence.

Cross-examined: The finish was that Mr Warner came up and they both cleared off. Complainant did now strike Snow first. Richard Kelly said it was a fair fight, and he pulled off Snow once because he thought he was not fighting fair. Snow struck the first blow, and Cliffe had to stand up in his own defence.

George Page said they fought for about half an hour. Defendant said when he told Cliffe to thrash someone his own size, Cliffe threatened to hit him. Defendant told him to do it, and Cliffe then struck at him. Defendant kept off the blow, and struck back, and then they had the fight.

A fine of 10s and costs was inflicted, or 14 days in default.

 Submitted on: 2009-07-30
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 442
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=442
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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