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Quorn Parish Council meeting 1936 - Stafford Orchard and Football Club, and Disbandment of Quorn Fire Brigade

Loughborough Echo - August 14TH 1936

At a meeting of the Quorn Parish Council on Tuesday the adjourned question of allowing the Quorn Football Club to rent the Stafford Orchard Pleasure Ground for the coming season was discussed at some length.

A letter was read from Mr Lucas E Rumsey (clerk to the County Council), in reply to information asked for by the Parish Council regarding the legality of letting the pleasure ground for this purpose. Mr Rumsey expressed the view that the Council were allowed to do this, with certain reservations.

Mr Stirling: There is nothing in the deeds to prevent us.

Mr Green: I have gone into the matter carefully, and we can let the ground if we wish.

Mr Bream: What will the children do during the match? Will they be driven off into the dangers of the street?

It was finally agreed to let the ground to the football club, providing a satisfactory arrangement can be fixed up regarding the practice games during the weeks, and proper attention given to goal posts, etc and that the officials of the club be asked to meet the Council for a final decision.


Fire brigade arrangements
The question of the Council's commitments for fire brigade arrangements was thoroughly discussed. The Chairman said that the past year had proven very expensive, and the question had to be faced as to whether they could properly afford to retain their own local fire brigade in addition to calling on the Loughborough Brigade for the more serious cases.

Mr W S Green: I propose we disband our own brigade.

Mr Stirling: I quite agree, but I think we should allow them to carry on to the end of the financial year (March 31st).

Mr Draper: Make it apply at the end of the present calendar year, Dec 31st 1936. This latter suggestion was adopted.

A quotation of £16 7s 9d per annum, based on the assessment of the parish, to cover any liability incurred in capping on the Loughborough Brigade, was accepted.

The Clerk stated, in answer to a question, that he had received no reply from the Town Lands Trustees regarding the suggestion to allow the Village Green to be used as a free car park.

It was previously agreed that, to assist the police in preventing parking in the streets, that the Green be thrown open during the day free of charge, but for caravans staying all night (which they wished to discourage) a small charge would be made by the Council's attendant.

Mr Stirling said that, for the information of the Council, as librarian, the lending library started in conjunction with the county authorities was proving a big success in Quorn. During the past twelve months no fewer than 14,390 books had been lent, and a stock of 900 volumes kept to select from. Only three parishes, he said, were taking a larger number than Quorn in the county.

Present: Mr T C Dexter (in the chair), Messrs W S Swinfield, W H Bream, J G Emerson, J H Price, J J Stirling, C Smith, F Draper and W S Green.

 Submitted on: 2009-07-19
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 386
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=386
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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