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Belgian Refugees' Committee - WW1

Loughborough Herald - 10th June 1915

Belgian Refugees' Committee

The subscribers to the fund were invited on Wednesday evening to a social at the Village Hall by Mr J A Hartopp, chairman of the committee, about 130 attending. The chairman, in welcoming the company, said the working classes as well as those in better circumstances, had subscribed well to the war funds, including their own. At the beginning the committee looked after 20 refugees, but these had dwindled to 14. the whole of the Belgians were now doing some kind of work, and the committee, who had £240 in hand, wished to know the course to be adopted for the future,. They had decided not to ask for any further subscriptions nor make any monetary gifts or allowance except in special circumstances. The balance would be left at the bank, and in six months' time they would know how to proceed, for there might be serious times in the future. He personally desired to thank their secretary, Mr Shenton, the treasurer, the Rev G E Payne, and the ladies who had assisted. They had sent £20 for the Belgians still in that country, and he suggested another donation should be sent from the balance.

The balance sheet showed that up to April 20, £460 10s 6d was received, of which £268 was donations and £178 weekly subscriptions. The expenditure was £220. The committee had the use of Brook House free. The refugees received rent, coal and gas free, the cost averaging 1s per head per week for the 14 remaining. The seven employable males were all in employment.

On the proposition of Mr E C Laundon, seconded by Miss Bolesworth, it was decided to send £20 to the fund for the relief of Belgians in Belgium. The chairman, committee and secretary were thanked for their services, on the motion of Mr E W Hensman, also thanks to the donors of food and vegetables, to Messrs Facer Bros for the house, and all who had helped. Refreshments were handed round, and a concert party under Mr Hartopp's guidance gave an entertainment, the following taking part: Miss Peck, Miss Lettie Nourish, Miss Grace Firr, Mr F Stork, Mr Murray Rumsey, Mr J Goddard, and Mr S Jordan.

Hearty thanks were accorded Mr Hartopp for his hospitality.

 Submitted on: 2015-01-02
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1872
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1872
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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