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Quorn Voluntary Training Corps - WW1

Loughborough Herald - 11th March 1915

Citizens' Training Corps
A meeting was held at the Grammar School on Thursday to consider the question of forming a corps. Mr E W Hensman presided. Mr F Walter Hodson, hon. sec. Loughborough Corps, attended to explain the workings of the corps, and its objects. Much interest was shown. It was proposed that a public meeting be called to further consider the matter, and Messrs Chilton, Wordsworth, Murray Rumsey, Hack, and the Vicar were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the same. At the close of the meeting a number of names were handed to the chairman of those willing to join in the event of a corps being formed.

Loughborough Herald - 1st April 1915

Quorn V.T. Corps
The formation of a branch of the Citizens' Training League took place last Thursday at Quorn, when a meeting was held at the Village Hall, Mr J D Cradock presiding, supported by Messrs E W Hensman, M A Le Haywood, Chilton, E C Laundon, Clarke, and Murray Rumsey. Quartermaster F W Hodson, of Loughborough, attended, and gave the outlines of the requirements of the corps, stating that the movement was entirely voluntary, but was recognised by the War Office. The movement had also received civic recognition from the Lord Lieutenant of the County, and the Mayors of the Boroughs of Leicester and Loughborough. The speaker also gave details as to the management of a corps, and stated that each member was expected to encourage recruiting for the Regular Army.

At the conclusion of Mr Hodson's speech, several questions were answered. Mr E W Hensman proposed that a corps be formed for Quorn, and that application be made for affiliation to the Central Association. Mr Hensman promised financial assistance, and stated that 40 old boys of the Thomas Rawlins School were known to be serving with the Colour. The resolution was carried unanimously. A committee was then elected consisting of 12 members, two from the urban district council, two from Messrs Wright's works, and eight to be elected in the meeting. The following eight were then elected. Messrs E W Hensman, B R Lewis, D Hack, Chilton, Clarke, Haywood, Lydster and the Vicar. The representatives from Messrs Wright's were Messrs C Beardmore and Pickup.

 Submitted on: 2015-01-02
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1871
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1871
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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