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Death of Quorn tradesman - May 1934

Loughborough Echo - 25th May 1934

The death occurred in Loughborough Hospital on Saturday of William George Hull (61), master plumber, of 52 Loughborough-road, Quorn. Hull fell from his bicycle on April 25th, when he was involved in a collision with a car driven by a London man.

The inquest was opened at Loughborough on Tuesday by Mr H J Deane, Coroner for North Leicestershire, who adjourned the proceedings until May 31.

Rebecca Hull, widow, gave evidence of identification and said that her husband left home at 2-30, having arranged to go out with her when he came home at four o'clock. Dr Gibson told her he had been admitted to Loughborough Hospital. Witness had spent most of the time every day with him at the Hospital till he died. He was fully conscious.

Mr W G Hull, who died as the result of an accident on April 25th, was buried at Loughborough Cemetery on Wednesday, the service being taken by Canon Rumsey. The principal mourners were Mrs Hull (widow), Mr W Hull (son), Miss C Hull and Miss D Hull (daughters) and Mr E Hull (brother). Mr Hull, who was 61 years of age never recovered consciousness after his accident.

Loughborough Echo - 1st June 1934

Inquest resumed

At the resumed inquest yesterday, on William George Hull (61), of 52 Loughborough-road, Quorn, a verdict of accidental death was recorded by the jury. Hull was knocked from his cycle on April 25th, when he was riding from the main road into Barrow-road at Quorn. He sustained severe injuries from which he died in Loughborough Hospital without regaining consciousness.

Mr M J Pearce appeared for the widow and Mr T M Ll. Walters represented the motorist. The Coroner, Mr H J Deane, upheld a submission by Mr Reeves that the motorist who sees a cyclist riding in an erratic manner should take precaution to avoid him. But he would add, that a cyclist approaching a motorist should take even greater precaution that he did not involve himself in any peculiar position.

An eye-witness of the accident, Mr Ambrose Squire, of Station-road, Quorn, a roadman employed by the Quorn Urban District Council, said he was working opposite Barrow-road turning. Hull came along on his bicycle and said "How are you going on, Am?" to which witness replied "All right, how are you, Bill." These were the only words spoken, and then he heard a bump. He turned round and saw Mr Hull lying in the middle of the road. Questioned by Mr Pearce, Squire said that the car which knocked Hull down went a distance of about 20 or 30 yards by the spot before stopping.

Miss Harriet Clark, a maid at 36, Loughborough-road, which faces Barrow-road, said she saw Hull riding from the direction of Quorn. She saw Mr Hull get off his bicycle and talk to the roadman. He remounted and put out his right hand before turning.

Miss Mary H S Dannah, of Chaveney Manor, Quorn, a sister of Lady Ball, of Nottingham, said she was in her sister's car. She saw the cyclist about to turn and the car came from the opposite direction and collided with Hull. The car hit a lamp post. She was of the opinion that the accident was unavoidable.

Mr George Newstead, commercial secretary of Messrs. Bowron and Brotherton Ltd., of Philpot-lane, London, EC3., whose home is at Hammersmith common, spoke of seeing Hull coming from Quorn on his bicycle. Hull wobbled about and then turned. Witness braked hard and did all he could to avoid a collision. His speed was 32 mph.

Mr Jearce: "But if you had taken a little more care, this man would not have lost his life."
"I do not agree with you."
"You say you saw this man 'waltzing' about and yet you took no precautions whatsoever to avoid this unfortunate occurrence."
"I sounded my hooter".
"That is all you did?"
"That is all I could have done under the circumstances."
"But as a motorist, when you saw this man 'waltzing' about as you say, you should have stopped."
"He was wobbling about in the way that cyclists often do, and I had no idea that he was going to turn in front of me until I was on top of him."

Newstead said his brakes were in perfect order and although he had an appointment for 3.30-4pm he was in no hurry.

 Submitted on: 2015-01-02
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1869
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1869
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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