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Quorn Fete - Effort for Church Hall Fund - 1927

Loughborough Monitor and Herald - 30th June 1927

Quorn Fete - Effort for Church Hall Fund

For some time efforts have been made to obtain a Church Parochial Hall for Quorn. A site has been available for a long time in Church-lane, and adjoining the Churchyard, and this can be used only for a Church Hall.

The fund for building has been gradually growing, and there is now £930 in the bank; the last estimate for building the hall was in the region of £1,300. With the object of augmenting this fund a fete was organised on Saturday in the grounds of "Charnwood" (lent by Mr T Firr), while a fancy dress parade was also held, Mr F Draper lending his grounds.

The committee over which the Vicar, the Rev H H Rumsey, presides, has lost the services of Mr Hood as secretary, and Mr J Martin has taken over the duties, with Mr E C Laundon as treasurer.

There was a sale of work in the Village Hall, and the outdoor entertainments were on the lawn at Charnwood and adjacent grounds. A tennis tournament was in charge of Mr Felthouse, assisted by Mr Cecil White and Mr A Cooper, and Mr Bancroft ran the skittles competition, Mr J Penfold the hat pelting, Mr Firr the putting, Mr J Martin a ball competition, and Mr Joiner the carts.

Entertainments which were held in the Village Hall on account of the weather were organised by Miss Firr and party, with members of the Girls' Friendly Society. An enjoyable attraction was the folk dances by Miss Molly Bailey and her Loughborough pupils, the Vicar commenting on the graceful dancing and the absence of self consciousness on the part of the young dancers.

For the competitions many of the prizes including a pig, rabbits, cockerels, and ducks, were given by friends.

The Mothers' Union stall was under Mrs Penfold and helpers; G.F.S., Miss L Facer; flowers, fruit and vegetables, Miss Bradley; books, Mr Murray Rumsey; tobacco and sweets, Miss Horspool and Mrs Felthouse. Mrs E B Fewkes and Mrs Hickling managed the refreshments, assisted by many willing helpers.

The fancy dress parade marched through the village, and were judged en route, there being several classes for groups and turnouts with special prizes for boys and girls. The judges were Miss Ling and Miss Widdowson from Loughborough (children) and the Rev J D and Mrs Thomas, from Barrow-on-Soar (other classes)

The prize-winners in the fancy dress parade were as follows: Group A (tableaux) "Last of Arcos" (G Horspool and party). Group C : 1 "Wedding Party" (D Spence and C Dowsing); 2 "Mystery Man" (W Roe); 3 "Turkish Maiden" (Joyce Billows). Group D: Highest collection on route, J Penfold (11/7). Group E (girls) 1 "Old English Girl (E Kettle), 2 "Indian Squaw" (O Sykes), 3 "Good Luck" (M Kettle), 4 "Wasp" (Unice Stevenson), 5 "Indian Girl" (N Turner). Group E (boys): 1 "Indian Boy" (G Turner), 2 "Deanery Magazine" (E Bancroft), 3 "Jesters" (J Kinch and E Camp), 4 "Jack and Jill" (M Bancroft and H Brereton).

The competition winners were: Table skittles, C H Waite; long alley skittles, W Smith; darts, E Orton, pig pelting, Miss E Waite.

The following took part in the concert: Mrs Dearden, Miss Firr, the Rev H H Rumsey, Messrs M D Jones, C Joiner, H H and G L North and H Brown.. A sketch, "The Bank Breaks", a scene from Cranford, was given by Misses E Towell, R Sharpe, Ivy Chamberlain and N Waite.

Photograph caption:
Quorn Parochial Hall garden fete at Charnwood grounds on Saturday. A group of Miss Molly Bailey's Morris Dancers.

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 Submitted on: 2015-01-02
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1865
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1865
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