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Quorn St Bartholomew’s Primary School, about 1894

This item appeared in the Loughborough Echo 50 years after the photograph was taken. Unfortunately, as it was a cutting – and split into two pieces – the exact date was not known.

In the article it says that the picture was loaned by Mrs Nellie Green, 58 Station Road, Quorn. Station Road was renumbered in the 1960s and the Greens lived at what is now 70 Station Road. Nellie was born Ellen Martin in Quorn in 1889 and is second from the right on the bottom row. This means that the photograph was taken in about 1894, so the newspaper must have been published in about 1944.

Back row (left to right): Robins, J Preston, Cragg, Walter Giles, E Wykes, Grant, W Swinfield, C Heaps, ?, C Burrows, G Corah, ?, Miss Corlett

Third row: F Brewin, T Briers, E Horsepool, E Fewkes, M Howse, N Clarke, E Gamble, L Culpin, M Dexter, W Horsepool, N Sutton, R Smith

Second row: E Preston, D Hands, ?, N Bunney, M Rennocks, B Heighton, J Turlington, E Sutton, A Flanders, E Hutton

Front row: W Lovett, J Hollingsworth, A Nottingham, ?, T Robinson, G Noon, N Martin, E Waddington

This cutting was kindly lent to the museum by Christopher Causton, whose grandfather, Walter Giles is on the top row.

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 missing information Missing information: Has anyone got an original of this photograph?
Please email us at: team2024@quornmuseum.com
 Submitted on: 2014-07-05
 Submitted by: Christopher Causton
 Artefact ID: 1844
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1844
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page or just on its own (new browser tab).

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