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Nineteen years character gone

Loughborough Herald - 24th May 1917

Richard Footit, signalman, Quorn, was summoned for stealing a quantity of wire, paint, and brush, value, 27s., the property of his employers, the Great Central Railway Company, between May 1 and 9. Detective-Sergeant Stapleton said he was making inquiries as to pilferings from Quorn Station. Defendant admitted having the articles mentioned in the charge, except the paint found underneath the signal box. The wire was cut off from a 300 yards coil, while the foreman painter stated paint was missed each morning when the men came to work.

Defendant said the wire was given to him 15 months ago by another employee. He took some paint to do the inside of the signal box; it was the wrong colour, and as he could not get away to replace the paint, he put it on a railway truck going to Loughborough. The man who gave him the wire was killed nine months ago. Detective-Inspector Loney, of the railway police, said the man had been 18 years and ten months in their service. He was single, and received 25s a week, with 15s war bonus. 41s in all. Until three months ago they had regarded him as honest.

Fined 40s or 21 days.

 Submitted on: 2013-03-17
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1769
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1769
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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