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Mrs Kaye's Charity

Loughborough Advertiser – 24th October 1872

The table of benefactors in the church of Quorndon records that Mrs Margaret Kaye, by Will, dated the 5th day of December 1691, bequeathed an estate in Quorndon to her cousin Charles Farnham, chargeable with the payment of 30s per annum to the poor of Quorndon for ever. In the Parliamentary Returns of 1786, it is stated that the Will directed this charity to be distributed according to a schedule to be delivered to the trustees, but that no such schedule had been found, and that the charity had therefore been withheld on a plea of not knowing the uses for which it was given. It appeared, however, that in 1791 certain proceedings at law were commenced for the recovery of it, and then 30s have been annually paid to the parish officers by the successive owners of large estates in the parish, now the property of Edward Basil Farnham, Esq; and on which that sum is considered to have been charged by the testatrix. It is distributed by the minister and churchwardens on Good Friday at the church, in equal sums, amongst thirty of the most necessitous persons of the chapelry who have attended divine service there on that day.

 Submitted on: 2013-03-17
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson;
 Artefact ID: 1767
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1767
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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