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Christmas in Quorn - 1926

Loughborough Echo - 1st January 1926

Father Christmas paid his annual visit to the infants of the Church of England school, the members of which, to the number of about 100, with their mistress, Miss B Moore and staff, assembled in the Village Hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week to meet him. Father Christmas joined with the children in carol singing, playing games, etc., presenting each one with a present from the Christmas tree. Crackers were served round and a pleasant hour was spent, many parents coming in, in time to see the dismantling of the tree.

Although there was a marked falling off in indiscriminate bands of carol singers, there were some excellent organised parties out on Christmas Eve in different parts of the village. The Meistersingers, singing from about 7 o'clock till midnight, gave amongst other items a version of Good King Wenceslas, with faux bourdons. Their collection box was in aid of the Church of England Society for Waifs and Strays, and realised upwards of £4. Later on the Wesleyan Choir came out, and their effort was for the National Children's Orphanage and Home. The Barrow Band also went round, this time per motor, and aroused no little enthusiasm.

During the autumn, supporters of the Church of England Schools have been raising the sum (approximately £100) needed for improvements. Besides an open subscription list, there have now been five events of a social kind, culminating last night in a Christmas party at the Village Hall. By seven o'clock the hall was packed with a paper hated, balloon bearing crowd of children and adults. The Christmas tree, kindly given by Mr Farnham, reached to the roof, and the sale of its contents was the chief event of the evening. Games, songs and dancing filled up a delightful evening, music being provided by the following: Misses May Johnson and C Callis, Messrs. H Pochin, H. H. North, L. North, C. Toller, M. Rumsey and C. Orton, not forgetting the singing of some carols by the whole room full, who gave such favourites as "Good King Wenceslas," "The First Noel", and "Come Ye Lofty". Suitably enough, the MC for the evening was Mr C. Adams, so long headmaster of the school, whilst amongst those present were other school managers, and sundry residents, who, while not belonging to the Church of England, had come to support an effort for the school in which all have an interest. Mr C. Orton playing, and Mr Tom Nail being MC. The size of the hall was somewhat curtailed by reason of the tree, but the enjoyment was none the less keen. A fat goose, given by Mr Cart of Desford, a former Quornian, was sold for the benefit of the fund.

 Submitted on: 2012-12-24
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1746
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1746
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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