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Urban District Council - Stafford Orchard, conditions of sale - 1918

Loughborough Herald - 7th November 1918

A meeting of this Council was held at the Village Hall on Tuesday evening. Mr T Pepper presided; also present Messrs E C Laundon, T Shenton, S J Wright, H Facer, J H Johnson, and H Disney.

The assistant overseer, Mr Camm, reported that the whole of the rate for the past half-year had been paid in. The Sanitary Inspector stated that he had inspected several drains in the village, and found some defective, and had issued notices to remedy the same. In the sanitary department the work was now well in hand.

Mr Shenton asked for the figures relating to the consumption of water in the village. The figures from July 1 to Oct 18 were 7,704,000 gallons. The Chairman remarked that this seemed a large quantity, and he feared threw must be some leakage somewhere. He suggested the inspector should make frequent tests. Mr Shenton asked that the Council should have the figures each month.

Mr S J Wright called attention to an objectionable smell arising from certain refuse tips. Several members supported the complaint, and Mr Laundon proposed that the Council lodge a complaint with the County Council. The Clerk suggested that the report of the Council's medical officer might be obtained, and it was agreed that this course should be taken. It was reported that the flooding of the main road was caused by water backing up from the brook, and from a defective drain, which was receiving attention.

The Clerk read the following letter from Mr S J Wright to the Chairman re the purchase of the Stafford Orchard:-

"Dear Sir, - You will remember some few years ago that the Stafford Orchard was purchased with the idea of eventually becoming the property of the village. The land is now held in trust by Mr Warner, yourself and myself. The original cost was £800, of which £300 was found as follows: Mr Warner £100; Mr Wright and Sons, £100; Mr J D Cradock, £50 and Mr C T Parker, £50. The remaining £500 is on mortgage. The mortgage is now called in, and I beg to submit the following offer on behalf of the four above named:

We are prepared to find a sum equal to that already subscribed, ie £300, in the following conditions: 1 - That the Council provide £300 which would make £600 in all. Of this sum, £500 is to pay off the mortgage, and £100 to be spent in fencing etc so as to make the ground a credit to the village. 2 - That the ground be kept an open space in perpetuity, and used as a playground for the younger inhabitants of the village where such games as cricket, football etc can be played. 3 - That no permanent buildings of any sort be erected on the ground. 4 - That the small space behind the National Schools be sold to the school managers at a nominal sum of £5 for further extension of their playground.

I hope that in making these conditions, the Council will realise that they are only meant to safeguard the ground for future generations, and that in so doing it will be to the ultimate health and benefit of the village of Quorn generally. I shall be glad if you will lay this letter before your Council at your convenience.

Yours very truly, Sydney J Wright".

Mr Laundon expressed the thanks of the Council to Mr Wright for the very generous offer, and proposed that the Council should give the matter their grateful consideration. A committee of Messrs T Pepper, E C Laundon and T Shenton was appointed to further consider the matter and report.

Mr Laundon reported that he attended the conference at Leicester to further consider the isolation hospital scheme. He was the mover of a resolution advising the delegates present to recommend the acceptance of the scheme to their respective Councils. The Councils approved of his action.

The Clerk reported that it would be necessary now to elect a new Food Control Committee, and Mr Laundon suggested that the committee consist of two members elected by the local workers' union, who had written asking for representation on the committee; one to represent the Co-operative Stores, one of the retail tradesmen, one the allotment holder, one co-opted, and six members of the Council. The following members were elected: Messrs T Shenton, E C Laundon, J D Cradock, H Disney, H Facer and J H Johnson.

 Submitted on: 2012-11-18
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1725
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1725
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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