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Old People's Meat Tea - 1896

Loughborough Herald - 16th January 1896

On Tuesday evening upwards of 110 old people were entertained to a meat tea at the village hall, through the kindness of the Earl of Lonsdale, the Hon. Mrs Lowther, Mrs Perry Herrick, Mr R L Tooth, Mr E H Warner, Mr J D Cradock, Mr Johnson-Ferguson, Mrs Hole, Mrs Hawkes-Woodward, and the Rev E Foord-Kelcey.

The guests commenced to arrive at four o'clock, those unable to walk being conveyed to and from the hall in carriages, and they did ample justice to the excellent fare set before them. The catering was this year entrusted to Mr C H Inglesant, Mrs James Cuffling, and Miss Sarson, assisted by a number of local ladies and gentlemen, who were most energetic in their endeavours to make the evening a bright and enjoyable one for the old folk.

A three hours' entertainment followed, which was provided under the management of Mr George White. The following contributed to the programme: The Misses Firr, Miss Wright, Mr James Wright, Messrs C Jones and G White, Miss Nora White, Miss L Oliver, Miss Hope, Miss Sault, and Miss Laundon, and Mr Tom Firr, junr. Amongst the audience were Mrs E H Warner and the Misses Warner, Mrs Hawkes-Woodward, Mr and Mrs Hayward, Rev E Foord-Kelcey and Mrs Foord-Kelcey, Mr J S Smith, Mr and Mrs O S Brown, Mrs Sarson, Mr and Mrs Robinson.

Mr Chas. Jones (Loughborough) officiated as interlocutor in the harlequin troupe. Miss Firr rendered valuable assistance throughout the entertainment by the manner in which she accompanied the songs and duets. Mr P Wright ably presided at the entertainment. A hearty vote of thanks to the subscribers, performers, and ladies for their valuable assistance in making this annual entertainment such a pronounced success, was proposed by the Rev E Foord-Kelcey, seconded by J S Smith, JP., supported by Mr W J Meakin, and carried unanimously. Through the liberality of a gentleman in the village, who did not wish his name to be divulged, one shilling was given to each of the old people present. We may add that dinners were sent out on Wednesday morning to twenty old folk who were unable to be present.

 Submitted on: 2012-11-16
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1713
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1713
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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