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Quorn British Legion – a flourishing branch

Loughborough Echo - 27th January 1939

Annual Dinner

The second annual dinner of the Quorn branch of the British Legion took place at the Manor House Hotel, on Friday when Capt. Nihel-Preau presided, supported by Mr Frank Bunney, chairman of the committee, Lt-Col. Abbot Robinson, president of Rothley British Legion, Mr W H Sparkes, Loughborough, Mr A B Hanford, Canon H H Rumsey, Major C H Martin, president of Mountsorrel British Legion, Mr Birks, the Rev H B Holderness, Capt W Harris, Mr J G Emerson, vice-chairman of the committee, etc, upwards of 120 sitting down to an excellent meal.

The chairman expressed his regret at the absence of the president, Col W S N Toller, who was unable to be present owing to illness, and who had sent a telegram of good wishes. There was also a message of greeting from Mr Harry Facer, who was absent on medical advice.

Mr F Bunney proposed the British Legion. He said it was only two years since, at a meeting in the Mills Institute, a few of them had met and decided to found a branch, with Harry Facer as chairman, and they were now 174 strong. That was not bad, but was it proportionate to the number of ex-servicemen in Quorn? Their thanks were due to their chairman for the evening, for allowing the grounds of Quorn House for the fete last summer, when they had raised £84. The speaker then said he would like to blow a trumpet for his committee, of which his friend, Mr J G Emerson, was vice-chairman, and to whom, with Mr E Turner the secretary, and Mr Fred Facer, the convener of the social committee, he owed a lot.

Major C H Martin in responding hoped the Legion would get members from the post-war soldiers, who would keep Legion work going after the older ones had passed on. The strength of the movement lay in its branches, and he congratulated the Quorn branch on its work.

Mr W H Sparkes supported, reminding the gathering of the Legion motto, “Service, not self”.

The chairman proposed the guests. He preferred to substitute “friends” for “guests”, and he thought they all whether legionnaires or not, were present because they loved the old soldier. “If I live in Quorn for another ten years”, continued the chairman, “I promise you that no Quorn legionnaire shall ever end his days in the Workhouse, not shall his widow suffer. My wife and I promise you that.”

“Amongst our friends are Col Abbot Robinson of Rothley branch, Major Martin, of the Mountsorrel branch, and I must not forget the twins, Messrs Goodman and Holland, from the same branch. We are the baby of the Mountsorrel branch, and we are some baby, too. Whenever we have a gathering the twins are there, and we thank them for the great help they gave us when we started.”

The Rev H B Holderness responded, wishing long life to a branch where there was so much good fellowship. Music was provided by the Lord Brothers (entertainers), Messrs Murray Rumsey, Arch. Prince and Frank Smith (songs), Mr W D Hopkin being the accompanist.

 Submitted on: 2012-07-12
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1659
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1659
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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