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Pigot and Co's Commercial Directory 1835, Quorndon entries

“Pigot and Co's Commercial Directory for 1835
Comprising a directory and classification of the merchants, bankers, professional gentleman, manufacturers and traders”

This directory covers 16 English counties and North Wales. The following introduction, names and professions were extracted for Quorndon

"Quorndon is a neat and thriving village and chapelry, in the parish of Barrow upon Soar, in the same hundred as Loughborough, rather more than two miles from that town; situate at the foot of bold and rugged hills, forming part of the extensive range constituting Charnwood Forest. From the eminences, a varied and extensive prospect is obtained over a fertile and picturesque country. The prosperity and increasing population of the village are derived from the branches of stocking-weaving, and the manufacture of warp and bobbin-twist lace, which have been introduced here with great success at one of the principal establishments (Messrs Balm and Rothwells) is produced a beautiful article, called the Tatting and Mechlin lace. Machinery is also manufactured here by the Messrs Archers, who have erected a steam engine for that purpose. The places of worship are the episcopal chapel, dedicated to St Bartholomew, and one each for primitive and Wesleyan Methodists. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the vicar of Barrow: the Rev Robert Stammers is the present curate. A National School and an apprenticeship fund are the principal charities. The chapelry contained, in 1821, 1,503 inhabitants, and in 1831, 1752”

Andrew, Miss, (Gentry and Clergy)
Angerstein Frederick Esq, Quorndon Hall (Gentry and Clergy)
Archer James and Zaccheus (Machine maker and manufacturer of twist lace)
Ball Joseph (Baker or flour dealer)
Balm & Rothwell (Manufacturer of twist lace, tatting & Mechlin lace, also at Pilcher Gate, Nottingham)
Bates Isaac (Wheelwright)
Bates Joseph (Wheelwright)
Bissells William (Bowl and dish turner)
Black John Ellis (Tanner)
Blackshaw William (Butcher)
Bostock John (Butcher)
Bostock Thomas (Boot and shoemaker)
Bradshaw John (Boot and shoemaker)
Bradshaw William (Boot and shoemaker)
Briggs Charles (Baker or flour dealer)
Burbridge Robert (Butcher)
Burnaby Rev Thomas, Church gate and Quorndon, (Gentry and Clergy)
Burnaby Rev Thomas, (gentlemen’s classical boarding and day academy)
Burney Mr Timothy (Gentry and Clergy)
Camm Joseph – Master of National School Quorn
Carver Benjamin (Blacksmith)
Colston & Hynde (Maltsters)
Cook George (Butcher)
Cragg Joseph (Tailor)
Cramp Richard (Baker or flour dealer)
Darker John (Beer retailer)
Disney Samuel (Pattern maker)
Disney Thomas (Boot and shoemaker)
Dobson William (day school)
Farnham, Edward esq, Quorn House (Gentry and Clergy)
Freeman Thomas (Grocer and/or tea dealer)
Freeman Thomas (Linen and woollen drapers)
Gamble John (Coal merchant)
Hackett Thomas (Beer retailer)
Hall George (Manufacturer of twist lace)
Harris Samuel (Surgeon)
Hemsley John (Saddlers and harness makers – collar0
Holmes Thomas (Blacksmith)
Humber Richard (Tailor)
Hyde Mr Humphrey (Gentry and Clergy)
Hyde, Saville John esq, (Gentry and Clergy)
Inglesant William Harris (Tanner)
Ives Richard (Baker, miller, flour dealer and corn merchant - factor)
Jackson Mr Edward (Gentry and Clergy),
Jackson J esq (Gentry and Clergy),
Jackson William (Joiner/carpenter)
Jackson William (Beer retailer) [This may or may not be the same William Jackson as above]
Lacey Henry (Butcher)
Marston Edward (Boot and shoemaker)
May Benjamin (Tailor)
Moore Charles (Butcher)
Mumford William (Tailor)
Parkinson Robert (Baker or flour dealer)
Parkinson Mr William (gentry and attorney)
Pearson John (Coal merchant)
Peters Marmaduke Ormond – White Horse Inn
Raven Thomas (Sinker maker, ie maker of lead weights used with hosiery knitting machines)
Raworth Rev Benjamin (Gentry and Clergy)
Rennocks William (Boot and shoemaker)
Richardson Pryor (Butcher)
Richardson Thomas (Butcher)
Saunders George (Butcher)
Sheffield Joseph (Beer retailer)
Smith Rev Adam (Gentry and Clergy)
Spittlehouse John (Blacksmith)
Squires Benjamin (Cutler)
Stammers Rev Robert (Gentry and Clergy),
Stone John Parnham esq (Gentry and Clergy)
Sutton James (Boot and shoemaker)
Taylor Edward (Hairdresser)
Taylor Edward (Beer retailer) [This may or may not be the same Edward Taylor as above]
Taylor John (Grocer)
Wild Samuel (Butcher)
Webster William (Baker or flour dealer)
Webster William (Manufacturer of hosiery, including patent Berlin gloves and twist lace)
White William (Public of the Bull’s Head)
Williams John (Maltster and publican of the White Hart)
Wilson Richard (Beer retailer)
Woodforth John (Manufacturer of twist lace)
Woodforth John (Publican of the Blue Ball). [This may or may not be the same John Woodforth as above]
Woodrolf Mr Daniel (Gentry and Clergy)

 Submitted on: 2012-06-25
 Submitted by: Sue Templeman
 Artefact ID: 1612
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1612

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