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VE day parties in Quorn - 1945

Loughborough Echo - 18th May 1945

Last week abounded in Victory teas for children, given in different parts of Quorn, culminating on Saturday with grand spreads in Barrow Road, the Orchard Estate, Leicester Road, and Warwick Avenue.

After hanging on a lamp-post all day, the effigy of the late Feuhrer was burnt at midnight on a bonfire in the gravel pit in Barrow Road, all except his beautiful red socks whose owner asked to have them returned.

In each case there was a crowd of willing helpers of both sexes, the food being freely given. The children of Barrow Road were indebted to Mr Sam Bailey for the use of the Mission Hall, while those of the Orchard Estate were housed in the White Hart skittle alley, by the kindness of Mr and Mrs Attewell.

A delightful afternoon and evening was arranged by the residents in Barrow Road, Farnham Street and Castledine Avenue, to commemorate VE-Day.

In the Temperance Mission Hall loaned for the occasion by Mr Sam Bailey, tables were laden with an array of good things given by the residents, and approximately 90 children sat down to tea. Afterwards sports were held in Mr G Fisher's field in the lane, where races were rounded off with three tug-of-war events, the first two being for young girls versus youths and for men versus women. In each case the females won.

Whilst the third event - small boys versus small girls was in progress so much energy was involved that the rope broke, both teams landing on the floor. This display of strength speaks well for the rising generation, and it was probably due to the fact that most able-bodied men were in the Forces that the ladies were the victors.

At 10 o'clock an effigy of Hitler was burnt at the stake and dancing was held in the street, when the music was provided by Messrs Hall, Joiner, Jack Gretton and Mrs S Bowler.

As a fitting close the fun was rounded off in the early hours of Sunday morning with the hymn "O God our help in ages past" and the National Anthem.

The children of Leicester Road, Wood Lane and School Lane, Quorn held a splendid tea, races, bran-tub etc. Mr Sydney Wright, Mrs Lee, her son John, and Mr Tailby helped in many ways, not forgetting the bidders at the auction sale, who made it such a success that £20 has been handed over to help to dedicate a bed for Quorn in Leicester Royal Infirmary

 Submitted on: 2012-01-01
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1499
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1499
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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