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Post War reconstruction - 1944

Loughborough Echo - 7th January 1944

Quorn Parish Council - Post-war houses site question

The meeting of the Quorn Parish Council was held on Tuesday, Mr W Swinfield presiding.

The County Surveyor wrote saying he did not think the owner of the property at the dangerous corner in Stoop Lane should be asked to remove his wall, as the cost would exceed the good done to the road. This was considered unsatisfactory and Mr Green moved that if an accident should occur the Council should publish its correspondence with the Surveyor.

A letter from the Charity Commissioners was read announcing the appointment of Mr Alan Moss, of Park Farm, Loughborough, as trustee for the Bishop Beveridge and Joseph Clarke Charities, and asking for the agreement of the Council, which was given, no objections being raised to the appointment.

Proposals were sent by Midland Red Bus Company to change the position of certain bus stop signs in the village, and no objections were raised to these. Mr J G Emerson was asked to take the place of the late Mr J J Stirling on the Estates Committee.

Post-war Reconstruction
Mr Stirling asked if the RDC's proposals for post-war reconstruction had been sent to the Quorn Council; he also asked where were the seven and a half acres for building after the war, which he had seen referred to in the Press. Mr Bailey said he and Messrs Bream and Draper, who represent Quorn on the RDC had visited certain sites with RDC Reconstruction Committee men, viz, between Mansfield Street and Castledine Avenue; near Keke Hill pit; between Meynell Road and Barrow Road. They had asked that the land near Keke Hill pit be used. They had also asked for certain improvements to the sewerage farm. The Council had estimated that 30 houses would be enough for Quorn, but the report of the Reconstruction Committee had recommended 87. As to the sewage farm, the Reconstruction Committee was out for centralisation in sewage and water matters and he thought it was to be congratulated on its report.

Mr Dexter did not approve of the site chosen for building, and it was not one of those which they had suggested. If there was anything wrong with the sewage farm it is the responsibility of the RDC., for two years after it was taken over by that body "it became a ruin".

Mr Draper: "We handed it over in good condition, also the village, and it is one of the best paying propositions we have got."

 Submitted on: 2012-01-01
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1494
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1494
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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