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Quorn House, Meeting Street, Silver Jubilee Garden Party 1977

As part of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations, on Friday 22nd July 1977, a garden party for 500 people was hosted by George and Barbara Farnham at Quorn House; the guest of honour being the Duke of Edinburgh. The visit by the Duke was part of a hectic day for him, visiting several venues in Leicestershire, and for the people of Quorn it provided a rare opportunity for some of them to meet royalty.

George Farnham has allowed the museum to include items from his personal Silver Jubilee scrapbook on the museum site. At the time of the Jubilee, George Farnham was Chairman of the County Council, so it was a busy year. The album contains photographs, tickets, documents and press cuttings.

Can you provide identify any more of the people in the photographs?

Photograph 1 - This picture was displayed at the museum's exhibition in November 2011 and some names were supplied. It is thought that these may be ladies that worked at the Farnham's hosiery firm, the Two Crescents.
First left Linda Grant, sixth left Joan Hall, seventh left (stripy dress) Jennifer Hopkins.
First right possibly Mary Halford, second right Janet Hollis, third right (white mac) Rose Jollands (sister in law to Ted and Dora Ball), seventh right (mauve/grey dress) Barbara Lindsay.

Photograph 2 - On the left is John Maltby and on the right is Georgina Maltby.

Photograph 3 - We can see the Duke of Edinburgh talking to the crowds with George Farnham behind him, and George's wife Barbara behind George. The Duke is talking to Ted and Dora Ball from Quorn. Thanks to Dennis Ball for Ted and Dora's names.

Photograph 4 - The Brownie on the far right is Alison Wilson and the one just to her left is Hayley Chambers. Thanks to Aaron Thomas for these names.
Howard Williams has been able to add that the Brownie leader is Mrs Neal (possibly Elsie) who lived on Loughborough Road, Quorn. Her husband worked at Willowbrook Coachworks in Loughborough and they had a son, Charles.
Do you recognise anyone else on this picture?

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 missing information Missing information: Can you identify any more people in these photographs?
Please email us at: team2024@quornmuseum.com
 Submitted on: 2011-11-27
 Submitted by: Sue Templeman with information and pictures from George Farnham
 Artefact ID: 1471
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1471
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page or just on its own (new browser tab).

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