Baptist Bazaar at Quorn - 1899
Loughborough Herald - 9th November 1899
A two days’ bazaar was opened at the Village Hall, Quorn on Wednesday, promoted by the Baptists of the village, with the object of reducing the debt of £250 incurred by the building of the new schoolroom, and recent improvements and repairs to the chapel property.
The hall was brightly decked with flags, etc and seven stalls were arranged for the display of a large quantity of articles. The following were among the stall-holders and worker:-
Stall No1: Mrs Tomkins, Mr J S Smith, Mrs Simms, Mrs Thornton
Stall No 2: Mrs Mee, Mrs Wisehall, Mrs Kelcy.
Stall No 3: Miss Sarson, Miss Preston, Mrs North, sen., Mrs Speight.
Stall No 4: Miss Thompson, Miss E Johnson, Mrs J Lee
Stall No 5: Miss Calow, Mis L Preston, Mrs Cooper
Boot and shoe stall: Mr J Bonsor, Mr T Payne.
Refreshment stall: Mrs Cope, Mrs Thompson and others
On Wednesday the bazaar was opened by the Mayor of Loughborough ( Ald Coltman), who was accompanied by the Mayoress. The Rev S P Carey presided, and there were present the Rev W J Tomkins (pastor of the Quorn Baptist Church), Rev Geo. Wilson (Barrow), Rev R F Hanford (Loughborough), Mrs Warner, Messrs T Firr, C Goodacre, J S Smith J Peer, H Clemerson, H F Young, and a good number of local sympathisers with the effort
After a hymn, the Rev G Wilson offered a prayer
Rev W J Tomkins made a statement as to the object of the bazaar. He said that some years ago, in front of the old Baptist Chapel – one of the oldest chapels in the neighbourhood and, in fact, the mother church of the Loughborough churches – there were some old cottages. It was put into the hearts of the friends to improve these out of existence, and then the need of further Sunday-school accommodation led to the erection of the present buildings. The front of the chapel, and the property in general had also been improved, and during the last year the paths had been paved.
A debt of about £250 still remained of the sum of over £500 expended in these various works, and they desired to break the back of this debt, if they could not break its neck. They had been much encouraged in the effort, and had received great help not only from the county but from all over the country, and he especially wished to mention the kind response he had received from his late church at Rushden. Donations had been received to the amount of about £30. The members of the church had worked hard for the undertaking, and the Christian endeavour had raised £40 by means of weekly payments to a club.
The chairman having briefly spoken, the Mayor of Loughborough expressed his pleasure at being able to help the effort not only as Mayor of the neighbouring borough, but as president of the Baptist Union. He congratulated the Quorn church on the great improvements they had made in the chapel, and also on the wisdom of their forward step in regard to the Sunday-schools. Declaring the bazaar open, he commended the effort to the support of all, believing it to be well worthy of their sympathy and assistance.
A vote of thanks to the Mayor and Mayoress and the chairman, proposed by Rev W J Tomkins, seconded by Mr H north, jun., and the Rev R F Handford having briefly
spoken expressing his sympathy with the work, and his hope for its success, the proceedings ended with the doxology.
A variety of attractions was provided, and Miss May Johnson’s juvenile mandoline band played selections in the evening. On Thursday the bazaar is to be opened by Mrs W P Viccars of Anstey.
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2011-10-23 |
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Kathryn Paterson |
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1422 |
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www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1422 |
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