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Extracts from Quorn National Schools' Log Books (Infants) 1863-1954

Extracts from Quorn National Schools' Log Books (Infants)

Infant school built - cost £140 (40 infants)

Log book commences for infant school (Miss Annie Kewley)

May 21st - children late - allowed in playground to watch soldiers passing through village.

July 10th - poor attendance - children bean getting.

July 23rd - half day holiday for Loughborough Flower Show, and a Tea Drinking at Mountsorrel.

Aug 13th - Few at school, many children gleaning.

Aug 20th - Harriet T came to school untidy and dirty. Stood her in corner to write "untidy girl" on her slate.

Sept 6-11th - Holiday for Quorn Wakes week

Feb 22nd - Harriet and Ann T kept home after warning not attend with curl papers in their hair!

Feb 29th - Poor attendance, the waters being so high.

Mar 7th - William S returned after 1 month's absence birdscaring.

Feb 20th - Intensely cold - snow fell through ventilator over the children - quite a sensation - gave an object lesson on snow.

Oct - Miss Isabella Corlett appointed principal teacher.

Oct 11th - Rain came in and soaked the sewing.

Dec 8th - School ended early - clothing club met in school.

75 children on roll

June - H.M.I report: "This school continues very efficient and affords a striking instance of what a single unaided teacher can do with a large number of infants of ranging ages and attainments" (97 on roll)

July 6th - Ellen B absent from want of shoes.

Nov 23rd - William P returned after weeks of potato-picking. (Same boy often absent helping in seasonal farm work)

Sept - Joe B has left to attend a Dame School.

Oct 19th - Children given tickets to see an exhibition of wax figures and a Panorama in Loughborough.

Rev Stammers came to protest about boys throwing stones at church windows. Brought policeman with him.

Mar 21st - Alfred Gamble ill and taken to Loughborough Dispensary.

May 18th - Mrs Ainslie (vicar's sister) presented each child present at the annual inspection with a bun.

Jan - Arthur H stole the school whistle.

Jan 16th - New regulations of the Educational Bill hung in School.

March - School closed - measles epidemic.

April - Playground was gas-tarred. It will be more comfortable for the children. Infant school now has a monitor and a pupil teacher to assist (111 on roll).

May 13th - Annual inspection. "Children over 7 should transfer to the mixed school as the instruction they require interferes with the infants".

Dec 22nd - Scramble for nuts and sweets - term ended.

Day of thanksgiving for recovery of Prince of Wales - half day holiday.

Pupil teacher resigned - complained her salary was "paltry".

Jan 30th - Children photographed.

June 26th - New rule - all newcomers to pay 2d per week.

May 28th - Mrs Farnham gave Sarah Tuckwood a doll for good sewing, and a book to George Carr for good conduct.

Jan - Pupil teacher ill. Her mother requested her lessons be transferred from 6.30am to the evening!

Jan - Mrs Herrick of Beaumanor visited and promised a treat.

June - A Tea Drinking at Beaumanor - good attendance all week!

May - 165 on roll (several more pupil teachers and assistants appointed - none stayed long)

Nov 10th - Attendance thin - excitement over marriage of Mr Farnham of Quorn House.

June - New Mrs Farnham visited the school.

July - Mary Anne P died of measles and bronchitis.

A most shocking note from Mrs D after a reproof that her girl came in a dirty pinafore - "I shall send my child in anything I please, even if it is disgraceful."

Jan - A large supply of slates, drawing books and pencils received.

April - Full school - 181 present.

Jan - Floods. School closed. Measles epidemic. 5 died.

June 24th - Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria. 12 noon. Medals distributed in playground by Mrs Farnham.

Lizzie H has St Vitus' Dance

May 7th - Melancholy news. The Rev Stammers our dear vicar has died. This school sustains a great loss (vicar had paid frequent visits to school and assisted there).

June 28th - The excessive heat makes sad work with the children. Many are quite ill.

August - Many children have ringworm.

Dec 20th - Bazaar in the Village Hall - opened by Duchess of Rutland.

Jan - Two dozen dual desks delivered.

Oct - Free education to begin.

Oct - 199 on roll

June - Queen's Diamond Jubilee - 3 days holiday.

4 assistants now - over 200 on roll.

Nov - Loughborough Fair - Barnham and Bailey's show.

March - Half day holiday for Relief of Ladysmith.

May 23rd - Half day holiday for Queen's birthday and Relief of Mafeking

Jan - School closed for 3 months due to scarlet fever and measles epidemics. (This may account for the omission of an entry to record the death of Queen Victoria)

June - The vicar asked children to parade in the village to mark the declaration of peace (after the Boer War).

Sep - Miss Blood resigns as assistant, wishing to teach in a drier locality.

Miss Barsby (assistant teacher) absent following a bicycle accident.

Dec - Percy Smith was today knocked down by a horse.

Mar 30th - Miss Isabella Corlett resigned after 40 years in her post at Quorn School.

May 1st - Mr G A Adams appointed principal teacher.

134 on roll.

Jun 16th - 1 week holiday for coronation of Edward VII.

July 10th - Miss Louisa Burrows became Headmistress.

Nov - The Dr and nurse are to treat cases of ringworm for the first time (1st School Medical Service 1907)

Dec - £1 4s 6d given by Managers to purchase Christmas tree.

May 24th - Games on vicar's lawn for Empire Day.

July - Several boys punished for climbing the wall and disturbing Mr Bream's sow and little pigs.

Aug - The European war broke out Aug 1st. England involved Aug 5th.

Dec - Some Belgian refugees arrived in the village.

Ascension Day - service in church (6 Quorn men killed that day).

July 17th - A great flood in Quorn. The whole of the village from Chaveney Lane to Soar under deep water.

Nov - The children entertained wounded soldiers from Loughborough and Charnwood hospitals. Hampers of cakes, jam and apples were sent by car. (1st mention of a car).

German zeppelins passed over Quorn and dropped 4 bombs on Loughborough. The children were in an excited state.

July - The juniors are engaged in gardening at the school.

Oct - the children have gathered several cwts of chestnuts for the manufacture of munitions.

March - Teachers helped issue ration books to the village.

Nov 11th - Armistice signed. Great rejoicing in the village.

June 28th - Peace signed at Versailles.

Jan - Miss Burrows attended an N.U.T conference. The salaries of teachers to be raised. It is hoped to solve the shortage of teachers. New school clinics for minor ailments.

Feb - Mrs Toller gave a see-saw to the Babies Room.

April - No admissions. (1917 women were without their menfolk and many working in the elastic mills. A similar low intake noted at Loughborough, Barrow and Sileby schools. Mountsorrel has abnormally large intake - men working the quarries during the war). School downgraded to Scale 1 through drop in numbers on roll.

June - Stafford Orchard had become a public recreation area, available for games. A small area is reserved for the infants. A long awaited reform!

July - Mr Adams, head of mixed school retired after 31 years service.

Oct - Dental inspection and treatment.

1922 Weekly visits from the vicar

April 26th - Holiday given for marriage of Duke of York

Tables and chairs came for Babies Room

Sept - Miss Burrows resigned.

The old piano was sold for £6 12s 6d. 91 on roll. 3 staff and 1 student in Infant Department

Frequent visits by nurse and dentist.

Feb - Milk supplied by Warwickshire Dairy, Sileby at 1d bottle.

Sept - Gas pendant lighting installed.

Collection of 127 eggs for Loughborough Hospital

Nov - Day holiday for wedding of Duke of Kent to Princess Marina.

June - Mr Adams (former headmaster) died.

Oct 18th - Miss Corlett died in Isle of Man aged 93.

Nov 5th - Holiday - wedding of Duke of Gloucester and
Miss Alice Scott.

Jan - Death of King George V. Funeral Jan 28th. Holiday.

Jan 23rd - Edward VIII proclaimed King.

Oct - Mrs Ball, the caretaker undertakes to heat meals and wash crockery for those bringing lunch. She is paid 6d a day for doing this.

May 7th - Holiday. Coronation of George VI

Dec - Dr advised immunisation against diptheria for all children in Quorn following several deaths.

Extracts from Mixed School Log Book

175 on roll. Gas radiators installed.

Sept 11th - WAR!

Jan - Sheffield evacuees admitted.

May 23rd - Death of vicar. End of 20 years friendship and his Friday am visits to the school. School air raid shelter in use and electric heater installed.

Canteen set up in Meeting Street at WRVS headquarters. 74 children and staff enjoyed excellent dinners.

May - Respirators examined and tried out.

Sept 3rd - National Day of Prayer.

Sept - Children collected 44lbs of rosehips.

Oct - 22 seniors helped with potato harvest and chestnut gathering (many children absent on agricultural war work).

May - "Wings for Victory" week. £154 collected.

Sept - School prizes distributed in Farnham Hall.

July - 34 evacuees from Bromley, Kent admitted. 187 overall. Classes now too large with evacuees.

Dec - Some Hove children returned home after 3 years in Quorn.

May - VE day holiday. Blackouts and blast walls removed
July - Funeral of late headmaster (Mr Mervyn Jones)

Mr Thomas A Ruxton appointed headmaster after Mr Winterbottom resigned.

Jan - Floods - dinner brought from canteen to school. Mrs Nihall-Preau (manager) presented Farnham Challenge Trophy to Chaveney House.

Oct - Plot of land given as school garden.

Nov - Mr Danvers retired (35 yrs at school)

Severe blizzards - no milk delivered. ASE exams - successful candidates go to Grammar School - other remain here until leaving age.

Nov 20th - Royal wedding. Princess Elizabeth to Philip Mountbatten.

April 26th - Silver wedding of Kg George VI and Queen Elizabeth. A holiday with games and a party at school.

New headmaster - Mr Ivan Stanley Gaylon.

Multi-speaker wireless set installed. Area sports camee 3rd. Headmaster absent on visual aids course.

Sept 1st - From today the Infant school becomes part of St Bartholomew's Primary School on retirement of Miss B Moore. Decision to transfer children of 13 (at midsummer only) to Humphrey Perkins Secondary Modern School.

Electric lighting installed in school.

April - 237 on roll.

July - Excursion to Liverpool. Schools Swimming Gala - girls placed 3rd. HMI report "Voluntary school became controlled in 1948 and received Instrument of Management in 1949. 234 pupils on roll - ages 5-13 with 21 in senior form. Daily lunch taken by some 48 pupils in a dining room some distance away. There is need for another classroom. Parish Council refuses to allow Village Hall as Classroom.

Feb - Death of King George VI. Accession of Elizabeth II

Feb 8th - Memorial service for late king.

July - Trip to Windsor.

May - School took part in Coronation Festival at De Montfort Hall - "Elizabeth to Elizabeth". Quorn depicted Robert Bakwell of Dishley.

June - Whole school see "A Queen is crowned" at cinema.

Mr J Briers appointed Headmaster.

 Submitted on: 2011-03-05
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1210
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1210

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