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Local Board - 1865

Quorndon Local Board

At an adjourned meeting of the Board held in the Board Room on Tuesday the 13th June 1865 at nine o'clock in the morning

Present: Mr Warner, Mr W Chapman, Mr Briggs, Mr Thornton, Mr Chapman, Mr Tacey.

Mr Warner in the Chair. It was resolved that the Minutes of the last meeting be confirmed.

It was Resolved that the policeman be instructed to inquire where the boy Lucas got the powder from which caused his accident, and if it can be proved that Swan's boys furnished him with it, that they be prosecuted for taking it out of the hut at the stone quarry.

It was Resolved that a general district rate at sixpence in the pound be now laid for the purposes as named in the estimate read by the Clerk at the last meeting, and now wrote at the commencement of the Rate Book.

It was Resolved that in consequence of a letter being received from Mr Stammers relative to the drain from his house being stopped, the Inspector be instructed to see Mrs Needham's representatives, or other proper parties concerned, and request that the same be either opened or underdrained.

It was Resolved that the consideration of the Memorial to the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, relative to the "Little Bridge" be deferred till the next meeting.

It was Resolved that a cheque for five pounds be now given to the Surveyor for current expenses and another for ten pounds to be presented to the Treasurer not before the 22nd instant.

Edward Warner

 Submitted on: 2011-02-13
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1196
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1196

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