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The mystery of Betsy Greer - 1915-1916

The following newspaper transcriptions cover the period 1915-1916 and document the misfortunes of Betsy Greer.

Loughborough Herald - 9th December 1915

Remarkable escape
A serious accident befell Miss Betsy Greer, of Sunnymead, Castledine, Quorn, who was found lying in the six foot way of the Great Central Railway's main line to London between Ruddington and Wilford shortly after midnight on Saturday. The discovery was made a signalman on duty near the Wilford Brick Company's siding. With the assistance of the Brick Company’s night watchman, the signalman carried the injured woman to his box, and communicated with the stationmaster at Ruddington. A pilot engine and a brake, containing a stretcher were dispatched as quickly as possible from the Queen's walk sidings, and the unfortunate lady, who had relapsed into unconsciousness, was taken to the Victoria Station, Nottingham, and thence to the General Hospital, where a medical examination revealed that she was suffering from concussion of the brain, resulting from a severe cut on the head, and injuries to her back and right hand.

How Miss Greer came on to the line is, for the moment, a mystery. The inference is that she travelled from Leicester by the 10.40pm train, failed to alight at Quorn, and by some mischance opened the carriage door as the train was on its way from Ruddington to Nottingham. The train would be travelling at a good speed at the time, and Miss Greer must have had a remarkable escape from instant death.

Loughborough Monitor - 15th June 1916

Receiving Order
A Receiving Order has been made against the estate of Bessie Greer, lately residing at Sunnymede, Castledine-street, Quorn, whose present address is unknown, medicine vendor.

Loughborough Monitor - 17th August 1916

Statement of Affairs
The statement of affairs of Bessie Greer (spinster), lately residing at Sunnymede, Castledine-street, Quorn, medicine vendor, compiled from information furnished by creditors and others shows liabilities expected to rank, £6,832. 0s 2d; assets, £466 7s 3d; deficiency, £6,365 12s 11d.

The Official Receiver observes that the petition was presented by a creditor on the 23rd May, 1916, the act of bankruptcy being the sale, by the sheriff, on the 22nd May, of the debtor's goods at Sunnymede, Quorn. At the first meeting of the creditors held on 16th June it was unanimously resolved that no trustee (other than the Official Receiver) should be appointed. The debtor was adjudged bankrupt on the 19th June. In 1915 she became tenant of Sunnymede, Quorn; practically the whole of the furniture, &c., there was obtained by her on credit. She ultimately purchased the freehold for £250, the whole of which she appears to have raised on mortgage. In or about June, 1915, the debtor acquired for a sum of £100 the goodwill of a business carried on at Nottingham as "The Medical Carbon Company", the purchase money being borrowed by her. Shortly afterwards the debtor was joined by a partner, who provided £200, apparently as working capital. The partner subsequently joined HM Forces, but the partnership was not terminated. Apart from a small stock of drugs, the only assets appertaining to the business were the office effects; which at the instance of the debtor were returned to the firm who had supplied them on credit. The debtor was soon in financial difficulties, and in November, 1915, an execution for £226 (a house furnisher's account) was levied on her goods at Quorn.

The debtor arranged terms with the execution creditor; but subsequently made default, and in February 1916, the Sheriff resumed possession of the goods, the bulk of which were eventually sold by him. No books of accounts or papers of any service have been discovered. The unsecured liabilities include £5,335. 7s., the probable claim of the trustee in the prior bankruptcy; £254, moneys advanced in 1915; £690 18s 9d., furniture , etc.; £45 13s 7d., improvements at "Sunneymede"; £149 10s 5d., household and personal debts; £271 6s 1d., debts relating to the "Medical Carbon Co"; £85 4s 4d and debts incurred by the debtor at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

 missing information Missing information: Do you have any knowledge of Betsy Greer?
Please email us at: team2024@quornmuseum.com
 Submitted on: 2011-01-12
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1166
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1166
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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