Quorn historical image   Quorn Village On-line Museum

Tuesday 16th July 2024  

Sale of Quorn Fields Farm 1933

Quorn Fields Farm was situated down a long track off Barrow Road, now known as Flesh Hovel Lane, with the original part of the farmhouse being erected in the eighteenth century.

The sale particulars below relate to when the Herricks of Woodhouse sold the farm in 1933. The field names are particularly interesting and one has to wonder how ‘Hell Hole’ got its name!

Quorn Fields Farm is not to be confused with Quorn Lodge Farm, which is today at the end of a long track leading off the One Ash roundabout on the main A6. Quorn Lodge Farm, especially when it was occupied by the Moss family (late 1800s to 1950s), it was often called Quorn Fields Farm. This has led to confusion over the years, and is thought to have come about as the whole area of farmland to the north-east of Quorn was referred to as Quorn Fields.

 Submitted on: 2024-03-24
 Submitted by: Dennis Marchant
 Artefact ID: 2580
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=2580

   Quorn Village On-line Museum
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