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Tuesday 16th July 2024  

Vehicle accident near Loughborough - 1897

Lougborough Herald - 10th June 1897

A serious accident occurred on Whit-Monday evening on the road from Loughborough to Nanpantan. A vehicle laden with trippers from Quorn was being driven towards Loughborough by a man named George Morley. The were proceeding at a rapid pace down the hill, and an eye-witness of the occurrence says they passed him “like a flash”, but the driver afterwards said they were going “lovely”.

When nearing the Widenings, the vehicle narrowly missed a collision with Dr Corcoran’s trap, and directly afterwards it met a wagonette driven by Oscar Caldwell, of Derby-square, Loughborough, in which was a party, including Gibbons, the Town Hall keeper, his wife, and some friends. The Quorn vehicle ran into this lot with great violence, and , losing a wheel, the thing was upset, and the five occupants thrown in a heap on the road.

Dr Corcoran returned to the spot, and rendered assistance, and it was found that Mrs Morley was the most severely injured of the party. She was insensible, and had sustained a serious wound on the head. A passing brake was stopped, in which she was conveyed to Loughborough Hospital, where it was ascertained that she was suffering from concussion of the brain. All the other members of the party were knocked about, receiving various cuts on the head and bruises. The brake was completely smashed up, and Caldwell’s wagonette received damage to one wheel, but fortunately the occupants escaped.

1901 census shows George Morley and his wife, Sarah living in New Quorn. He was employed as a stone quarryman.

 Submitted on: 2011-10-23
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1425
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1425

   Quorn Village On-line Museum
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