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Thursday 12th September 2024  

Theft of maypole - 1772

This very old article in the Derby Mercury comes from a time when 's' was written as 'f'

Derby Mercury - 22nd May 1772

Theft of Maypole
We hear from Quarndon in Leicefterfhire, that the young People of that Village, on Old May Day laft, erected a lofty Maypole richly adorned with Garlands, &c, which drew together a great Number of the younger Sort to dance round it, and celebrate with Feftivity the Return of the Summer Seafon.

Amongft the reft was a Body of young Fellows from Loughboro' who formed a Plot to carry off the Maypole; which they executed at Night, and removed it to the Middle of the Market-Place at Loughboro', a Monument of Pride to the Loughboro' Lads, but which may be the Caufe of Mifchief and Bloodfhed; for the Heroes of Quarndon vowed Revenge, and are forming Alliances with their Neighbours of Barrow and Sheepfhead, and give out they will foon march in a Body to retake their favourite Maypole: In the mean Time the Loughboro' Youths keep a good Look out, and are determined to preferve Poffeffion of their Spoils.

 Submitted on: 2011-07-20
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1351
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1351

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